Endometriosis New Zealand is thrilled to announce the establishment of our new Clinical Advisory Committee (CAC).
Upon appointment of the new ENZ board and development of our strategic plan we have decided to disassemble ESIG and create the CAC.
The CAC is being established to ensure that clinicians and experts in the field of endometriosis have input into ENZ strategic direction on clinical issues and to provide advice that reflects the perspectives of endometriosis sufferers and the wider community.
Specifically, the CAC members will help to guide the strategic direction on clinical issues, review medical and scientific material for the website and other communications, recommend a strategic approach for information delivery and topics of interest, work with key stakeholders including the New Zealand Government, and review future research grant applications.
ENZ is a small, not for profit organisation that does not receive government funding and the CAC is formed out of volunteers who each have a special interest in endometriosis. Members donate their time and voluntarily advise on issues relating to endometriosis, contribute to research and support the organisation in its endeavours.
ESIG has provided members of the endo community across Aotearoa with expertise that they would not have had access to otherwise. Please know that ENZ wishes to keep the contributions made to the ESIG group, present on our website.
The ENZ board is now inviting individuals to apply to become a member of the CAC and we look forward to the contributions this group will make in the future. Please email your application letter to info@nzendo.org.nz by Friday 29th July 2022.