Free resource to help manage living with endometriosis

Endometriosis New Zealand has, as part of Endometriosis Awareness Month,
launched Managing Your Emotional and Psychological Wellbeing with
Endometriosis, a free resource providing mental health support for New
Zealanders dealing with the unique challenges of living with endometriosis.
Endometriosis affects approximately 1 in 10 women, girls and those assigned
female at birth. In New Zealand this means around 120,000 people are currently
living with the condition.

“Many New Zealanders with endometriosis deal with considerable stress related
to delays in diagnosis, dismissal from healthcare professionals and challenges
navigating healthcare systems, financial burdens, and strains on personal and
professional relationships,” says Endometriosis New Zealand Chief Executive
Tanya Cooke.

“We frequently hear from our community about these ongoing struggles, feelings
of isolation and the need for endometriosis-specific information to help get
through it, which is why we have developed this free-to-access guide.”

“The guide provides a greater understanding of the relationship between
endometriosis and mental health and presents clear management strategies to
help those with endometriosis feel empowered to manage their condition.”

“Living with endometriosis and dealing with the impacts it has on my physical
health is not easy and it definitely has affected my sense of wellbeing and
outlook on life,” says Kristina Cavit, MMZM, who has been dealing with
endometriosis related issues for over 15 years.

“Frequent severe pain, low immunity, fatigue, premenstrual anxiety, and ikura
(menstruation) related issues have really affected my quality of life, my work
and my relationships. It makes it difficult to plan ahead and stressful to know
that the plans of others are likely to be affected.”

“This resource is really helpful because it has taught me a few ways to help me
have more control over my tinana (body) and my whakaaro (thoughts). It’s
helped me to understand that there are so many other people out there going
through the same thing.”

“I would recommend it to all those living with endometriosis.”

The Managing Your Emotional and Psychological Wellbeing with Endometriosis
Resource is completely free and available to download here

You can request free printed copies for community groups, schools, and
education providers by emailing us at

Thank you to the ANZ Staff Foundation, who kindly funded the development of
this important resource for the endometriosis community.

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month. This year’s theme is Let’s Talk Endo:
Opening Conversations, Inspiring Understanding, Empowering Change and is
about breaking the silence on this commonly misunderstood condition.
Endometriosis Awareness Month includes events around the country and the 120
Challenge where individuals and teams can raise funds to support New
Zealanders with endometriosis.

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